Le Ultime Cene - Installation 2012-...
We are used to treat the food as sustenance, aspleasure, as "fuel", as a passion and evenobsession as television, in the form of bulimic-based programs with more or lessprofessional chefs... "Last Supper Special Menu" is a video/audio list of thefood chosen from a hundred condemned to death in theUnited States as a last meal and explores the relationship with thefood in a terrible and "definitive" moment.
Despite their sterility almost a sort of autopsy-a kind of Rosary recited by the orders from a McDrive intercom-this list provides various information on prisoners:some people choose things that probably only dreameduntil then, there are those who need consolation andrefuge in the foods of childhood. there are those who did not eat muchthat junk food for life and there are those who choose not topoint to the end ...From each of the "menu" of the condemned humanity emerge,trivial or that it is special, unlike the inhumanity ofwhat awaits them shortly thereafter.